Sweetness Modulators

Our Modulators are True Modulators; they replicate the action of Sucrose on Taste Receptors. Sweet Stimuli does not enter taste cells but trigger changes within the cells. They bind to Dimeric Receptors (T1R2 and T1R3) on the cell’s surface that is coupled with Molecules called G-Proteins. This causes subunits of the G-Protein (Alpha, Beta and Gamma units) to split into Alpha and Beta Gamma which activates an enzyme (Adenyl Cyclase). This causes the formation of cyclic AMP that blocks the Proton Channels, Depolarizing the cell sending a signal to the brain.

But Sweeteners and other Primary Tastants all called “Taste” are much more than just the four Primary Receptors and the biochemical interactions they induce in taste cells. Although we tend to think of taste information in terms of the basic qualities of Sweet, Salt, Sour and Bitter, the taste system represents other attributes as well. We can tell the Intensity of Taste, whether Pleasant or Unpleasant or Neutral. Neurons in the Taste Pathway record these Attributes. Color, Size, Shape, Touch and Temperature Stimuli to the Brain are all involved in Taste. These Modulation Systems are created utilizing Special Thermal Processing with selected Precursors to form a Natural Flavor by Definition and are Approved by both the FDA and FEMA. These Unique Modulators are Thermally Stable, Extremely Potent in Sweetness Performance have an Extended Shelf Life and are well suited for any Application where Good Solid Sweetness Modulation is required.

Beverages-including soft drinks, flavored milks, juices where sugar or hfcs is used or high intensity sweeteners
Dairy & Ice Cream
Nutritional products
Where ever a sweetener is used.

- Cost Effective
- All Natural
- Flavor Characterization
- Texture and Mouth feel
- Strength and Flavor Impact
- Thermally Stable

Prototype Formulas Available upon Request